الاثنين، 24 سبتمبر 2012

Islam steadfast tree shaken by hurricanes vulnerable

Nibras AL_shibani

We write and write and write and are going to have pens to draw words outfits which characters to line up consisting Panel color line pen where letters condemning not surprising is the same as a time of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon his family and him back when he went a rabbi, a (Huya bin Akhtab) to the Messenger of Allah to make sure that ring Prophets, took apostle asks several questions answered all Prophet then he saw the Seal of Prophethood knew that the Prophet Muhammad was the last of the prophets, rushed to his home in panic and asks him his son, Dad said: it is??? (Is it the seal of the prophets intended?) Replied Huya bin Akhtab and said: Yes, he is, his son said to him: What do you do with him? Told him greeted Ben preach: his hostility what I live, and so was the enmity of the Jews of the Prophet, even though they more people know the messenger according to the their holy books, Fdaoh Jews and Gdarham of the Prophet and Islamic nation is not a hadeeth Covenant and insults to master the apostles and prophets only evidence proof of their hatred trove which circulating in their blood and occupies their hearts and makes them a golf do not see the truth with their own eyes is another proof of the weakness Vatharh strife and war fancy it is only the weapon of cowards Abtho poison in the flower of life and then hide their heads here a question arises what is the inevitable result of their actions? And Where did their attitudes intellectual and ideological? Appears to us via a large and valuable lessons through reflection on the history of the United previous stories and deeds Islam is the religion held by the sacrifices and set rules with the blood of believers Alkhlsae and painted his way of life generously sacrificed and still sacrifice for it, and so religion can not sound frivolous to affect it, or movements devoid of reason and wisdom shake the corners and this is recognized by all the heavenly books and religions sacred, our hearts freedom of people may not qualify as human beings but we are not Bhmj or weak to meet them Similarly we have minds to think and pens Skip history of exposure to the whole world the tolerance of Islam and its greatness and its respect for other religions and sanctify them because the male of our Prophet Muhammad and all pages of their holy books heralded the emergence of Islam and the birth of the seal of the prophets and messengers of His great creation, as described by our Quran Karim Vlyazdedua tip This fact immortalized history that no one can change however Dart universes and spilled over us time

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